- A Cloud Forest
- A Constant Knowledge of Death
- A Dark Reborn
- A Drop Of Joker
- A Silent Daylight
- A Winter Lost
- a.death.experience
- Aara
- Abdicatrix
- Abnormality
- Abolish
- Aborn
- Absalem
- Absence of Life
- Absence Of The Sacred
- Absolution Free
- Abyssielle
- Abyssinia
- Accursed Creator
- Aconitum
- Acroma
- Acrostichon
- Act Of Creation
- Ad Infinitum
- Ada Rook
- Addaura
- Adorior
- Adorned in Ash
- Aeon Veil
- Aephanemer
- Aera 51
- Agatunet
- Agmydala
- Agonir
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- agrimonia
- AIAA 7
- Ails
- Akerbeltz
- Akiavel
- Albino Python
- Alekhine’s Gun
- Algor mortis
- Alien Usurper
- All Heads Rise
- All I Could Bleed
- Alocer
- Alos
- Alpha Strain
- AlphaOmega
- Alphayn
- AltarEgo
- Amely Sky
- Amenorrhea
- AmethistA
- Amnesia Garden
- Amniorrehexis
- Among the Torrent
- Among Your Gods
- Amthrÿa
- Anachronism
- Analena
- Anarcheon
- Anathematise
- Anathemic
- Ancient Fragments
- Ancient Settlers
- Aneuma
- Angel Grinder
- Angered Crowd
- Angist
- Angor Animi
- Anguished
- Animal Bondage
- AnkerkeriA
- Anklebiter
- Anna Prest
- Annabelle
- AnnaMaria
- Annihilation
- Anomalia Zyber punk
- Anomie
- Anopheli
- Ansiax
- Anti Itch Cream
- Anti-corpos
- Antigen
- Antischism
- Apache Meltdown
- Apathemy
- Apeiron
- Apocalipstix
- ApofeniA
- Apollæon
- Apothica
- Appalachian Terror Unit
- Apparition
- Arboreal
- Arcane Existence
- Arch Enemy
- Archetype
- Archetype X
- Archivist
- Arhythmy
- Arianne Gozzing
- Ariel n’ Caliban
- Arise
- Arkelion
- Arkona
- Armum
- Arsenic Addict
- Artep
- Artgore
- as everything unfolds
- As The Aeons Burn
- Asagraum
- Ascend / Descend
- Ascend The Hollow
- Asenath Blake
- Ashes Arise
- Ashes of Erin
- Asmodina
- Astray Valley
- asylum
- Atakama
- Ataque De Panico
- Athamé
- Atraveho
- Aura
- Automb
- Autopse
- Avasinity
- Aventh
- Aversed
- Aversion
- Averted
- Avocyn
- Awaiting Fear
- Awaiting The Autopsy
- Awake Consciousness
- Axe Rash
- Azijnpisser
- Azusa
- …But a Thought
- Baba Yaga
- Babes in Toyland
- Baby Guts
- Backboned
- Backhand
- Backswing
- Bad Egg
- Bad Image
- BadxMouth
- Bagira
- Bagronk
- Bala
- Ballista
- Banshee
- Barbarian Prophecies
- Barren
- Basement Torture Killings
- Basketball Divorce Court
- Bastard Noise
- Basuraastillada
- BatiBatt
- Battle of Mice
- Battle of Wolf 359
- Bavmorda
- Be Under Arms
- Before The Daylight
- Begräbnis
- Being “alive” is beautiful
- Belle Gunness
- Benatnash
- Beryllium
- Bestarium
- Bestial Therapy
- Bethlehem
- Betrayer
- Beyond the Pale
- Beyond Your Eyes
- bigLOVE
- Binge Drinker
- Bingo
- Bioscar
- bipolar
- Bismuth
- Bitter Verses
- Bjarm
- Black Like Vengeance
- Black Mass
- Black Palace
- Black Plague
- Black Satellite
- Black September
- Black Shoals
- Black Table
- Black Whispers
- Black Widows
- BlackLab
- BlackThorn
- Blackwater Drowning
- Blast Bitch
- Blastomycosis
- Blazing War Machine
- Bleach
- Bleed The Pigs
- Bleeder
- BleedSkin
- Blind Girls
- Blind Ivy
- Blizzard Beast
- Blóð
- Blood Command
- Blood of Life
- Bloodbarf
- Bloodhunter
- Bloodlined Calligraphy
- Bloodshoteye
- Bloodstrike
- Bloody Mortir
- Bloody Rabbeat
- Blossom
- Blue Noise
- Blvgth
- BobxLazar
- Bogwrought
- Bolz’n
- Bombatölcsér
- Bombed up
- Boneblack
- Bones of Minerva
- Bonestrippers
- Bootcamp
- Borborygme
- Boring Girls
- Botulinum
- Boudicca
- Boundless
- Brat
- Bratakus
- Breeding The Shadow
- Bridear
- Bridge City Sinners
- Bridge Left To Burn
- Brink of Despair
- Broken Anatomy
- Broken by the Scream
- Broken Oath
- Brother
- Bruja Maldita
- Brutal Maternity
- Brutus
- Bruut
- Bulletbelt
- Burial Path
- Buried at Birth
- Burn Damage
- Bury Them And Keep Quiet
- Butcher Babies
- Buzz Cult
- C.H.E.W.
- C.L.A.W.
- Cadaverette
- Cadaveria
- Cadaveric Lividity
- Cage Fight
- Caged Existence
- Cageless
- Cailleach Calling
- caitlyn bailey
- Calcine
- Calloused
- Calva Louise
- Candle Serenade
- Candye Syrup
- Cantodea Dianthus
- Capitalist Alienation
- Capra
- Captain Spaulding’s Kitchen
- Careus
- Carmilla
- Carnivoracy
- Carry on Zephyr
- Cartilage
- Casket of Cassandra
- Casket Robbery
- Castrator
- Cataclysmic Purification
- Catpuke
- Cauldron Burial
- Cauterization
- Celestial Burn
- Cerce
- Cerebral Bore
- Cernunnos!
- Chained By Illness
- Changes
- Chaos Cult
- Chaos Rising
- Chasing The Coroner
- Chats-Thons
- Checked
- Cheerleader Concubine
- Chernota
- Cherrystone
- Cherub Chains
- Chesed Geburah
- Chiliasm
- Choke Cocoi
- Choke Their Rivers With Our Dead
- chrch
- Chugun
- Chüzo
- Circle Takes The Square
- Clay Birds
- Climatic Terra
- Closet Witch
- Cloud Rat
- ClownUs
- Coax
- Code Orange
- Coffret de bijoux
- Cold Meat
- Coldnight
- Coma Cluster Void
- Combat Drug
- Come Mierda
- Comeback Clit
- Communion of Thieves
- Commuovere
- Concrete Ties
- Condemned To Dream
- Conflict
- Conjonctive
- Conquer by Supremacy
- Conquer Divide
- Conquestio
- Contorture
- Contravene
- Contrebande
- Controlled Existence
- Controller
- Convictive
- Cop Guts
- Core of Dying Earth
- Corporate Death
- Corpse profanation
- Couch Slut
- Crachat
- Craniation
- Crasse Intraveineuse
- Crave Death
- crazyeightyeight
- Crescendium
- Cretin
- Crimson Wrath
- Cripper
- Crisis
- Critical Mess
- Crochet
- Cross Bringer
- Crosscheck
- Crowmorph
- Crown of Asteria
- Crown of Madness
- Crowskin
- Crucial Times
- Crude B.E.
- Cruenta Lacrymis
- Crush All Tyranny
- Crypta
- Cryptogenic
- Cultum Mortis
- Cultus Profano
- Curmudgeon
- Curse of the Ninth
- Curse the Flesh
- Curselifter
- Cyanide Paradise
- Cyclic Enigma
- Cyclocosmia
- Cycoside
- Cyness
- D-Sagawa
- D.A.M.N. (Diary About My Nightmares)
- Daido Loori
- Daimonos
- Dairy of Destruction
- Dakhma
- Damned to Rage
- Dance For Destruction
- Dance on your grave
- Dark Castle
- Dark Divinity
- Dark Oath
- Dark Zodiak
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Darkestrah
- Darkspace
- Darkwind
- Darling Demoniac
- Dauðyflin
- Daughter Chaos
- Dawn of Ouroboros
- Day By Day
- Days Spent
- dazzle vision
- Dead Chasm
- Dead Samaritan
- Dead Silence
- Dead To A Dying World
- Deadlands
- Deadly Pale
- Deadscape
- DeadWhiteLily
- Death Bringer
- Death Dealer Union
- Death Evocation
- Death Hatred
- Death Pill
- Deathember Flower
- Deathrats
- Decadence
- Decessus
- Deepincision
- Deer In The Headlights
- Defacing God
- Defenestration
- Defiance
- Degradacion
- Dehumanize
- Dehydrated
- dei tetra
- Déjà Mort
- Delta Hate
- Demona Mortiss
- Demonic Christ
- Demonomacy
- Demons Damn
- Denial
- Dent
- Dérisoire
- Derketa
- Derrumbando Defensas
- Descant Gott
- Desdemona
- Desecrate
- Desolate Plains
- Desolation State Riot
- Despised Icon
- Destiny bond
- Destroy Planets!
- Detestation
- Devastadoras
- Devil in You
- Devil Within
- Devil’s Gift
- Devine Heresy
- Devoidance
- Dia De Los Muertos
- Diagnosis
- Dianacrawls
- Die Spitz
- Diligence
- Dimension Doom
- Dimrays
- Diploid
- Dirt
- Discorp
- Discriminator
- Disgunder
- Dishonest Escape
- Disobey
- Disobeyed Demagog
- Disorientation
- Disrupted Euphoria
- Disthrone
- Diuretic
- Divahar
- Dividead
- Divination of the Damned
- Divine sentence
- Divisor
- Divitius
- Dizeaze
- Dizorder
- Docka Pussel
- Doctrine X
- DödÄngels
- Don’t deserve a grave
- Doodswens
- Dopethrone
- Dorzia
- Doubt
- Dracane
- Dracena
- Dragdown
- Draugmaz
- Dreadeth
- Dreaming Dead
- Dreams of Damnation
- Drëg
- Drei Affen
- Dress The Dead
- Dropping The Messiah
- Drown This City
- Dry Socket
- Dryad
- Duct Tape Pussy
- Duplah Pootch Hanichan Gasoliiine
- Dying For It
- Dying Wish
- Dylath-Leen
- Dymna Lotva
- DyNAbyte
- Dystopian Omen
- Dystopian Reality
- E-Thereal
- E-thereal
- Earthen Altar
- Earthwalker
- Eaten Alive
- Ebonsight
- Ecocide
- Ecotage
- Eden Rayz
- Eight Lives Down
- Einsicht
- Eitrin
- Ejecución X
- Elizabeth Colour Wheel
- Emasculator
- Embers
- Embrium
- Employed To Serve
- Encierro
- Endform
- Endlesshade
- Endrophobia
- Enfants Sauvages
- Ennoea
- Ennorath
- Entardecer
- Enter Chaos
- Entheos
- Entry
- Envy the Dead
- Ephel Duath
- Ephemerality
- Erebos
- Erzsébet
- Eschatos
- Escuela Grind
- Eskröta
- Esperfall
- Esperoza
- Estuary
- Eternal Closure
- Ethel Hunter
- Ethir Anduin
- eths
- Evernoir
- Evil Drive
- Evilchoir
- Exanimalis
- Except One
- Excruciation
- Exhumation
- Exiled Hope
- Exist Enslaved
- Exist M
- Exit Strategy
- Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish
- Exotica
- Expellow
- Experiment Specimen
- Extreme O.D.
- Extremity
- Eye of Nyx
- Eye of violence
- Eyelessight
- Eyes Of Perdition
- F-Minus
- F.A.M.E
- Face Yourself
- Facepalm Nation
- Faetooth
- Faim
- Fake Island
- Fake messiah
- Falcifer
- Fall of Stasis
- False
- False Flag
- Famille d’accueil
- Fat Killer Bastard
- Fatal Ferocity
- Fatal Idade
- Fate Gear
- Fayenne
- Fearless
- Fed Ash
- Fedra
- Feed
- Feel burning Inside
- Feelament
- feminazgûl
- Feminizer
- Femmortis
- Feral Brain
- Feral Thrust
- Fermosa
- Ferum
- Festering Ulcer Wound
- Feu Futur Moi
- Fields Lay Fallow
- Fight The Demiurge
- Filth is Eternal
- Fine Fine Titans
- Fire-Toolz
- Firehaven
- Firewalker
- Fishface
- Fjell Thyngor
- Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation
- Flash of Aggression
- Fleas and Lice
- Flowers Taped to Pens
- Fluoride
- Flyleaf
- Folterkammer
- For All This Bloodshed
- For I Am King
- For Love and Hate
- Forcas
- Former Worlds
- Fortune’s Fool
- Forty Days Longing
- Foxtails
- Fractured
- Frail Hands
- Frantic Amber
- Freedom of Fear
- Frigid Winter
- From Hell to Heaven
- From the Basement
- Fuck The facts
- Fuckmorgue
- Full Knife Injection
- Fulton Ave.
- Funeralia
- Funerus
- Furva Ambiguitas
- Futakuchi Mana
- Future palace
- Future Static
- Future Suck
- Fyhura
- Gagger
- Galdr
- Galiryon
- Gallhammer
- Gammelsæter & Marhaug
- Gate to Khaos
- Gather
- Gauge Means Nothing
- Gautama
- Gekijo metalicche
- General Fools
- Generation Decline
- Genital Shame
- Genotype
- Gerbophilia
- Gholes
- Ghost Around My Ear
- Ghost Cries
- Giant Fragments
- Gilgamesh
- Gimic
- Girls Scout Hand Grenade
- Glasses
- Glory For All Eternity
- God Awful
- Göden
- Goethe
- Gonin-Ish
- Goolagoon
- Gordred
- Gore.
- Gouge Away
- Grace Disgraced
- Grauen
- Graveshadow
- Gravitate
- Gravity
- Great Death
- Greedy Black Hole
- Greg Electric
- Grey
- Grim Silence
- Grimtotem
- Grindmother
- Grot
- Growlers Choir
- Guttural Slug
- Gylt
- habak
- Hacker
- Hail Sagan
- Haliphron
- Halo Bite
- Halo Creation
- Hanabie
- Hand of Juno
- Hands Of Death
- Hands of Death
- Hanzel und Gretyl
- Hard of Heart
- Hardgainer
- Harlequin
- Harper
- Harpy
- Harum Scarum
- Hasserben
- HateCult of the Cunt
- Hatefulmurder
- He Lies in Ruin
- Health Hazard
- Heart On My Sleeve
- Heavens Blade
- Heavens to Betsy
- Hedge Fund Trader
- Heksena
- Helianthus
- HellArise
- Hellevaerder
- Hellfury
- HellFynder
- Hellga Pataki
- Helltenced
- Heltagati
- Her Anxiety
- Herem
- Heretic Saviour
- Hériot
- Hermostra
- Heterogeneous Andead
- Hetze
- Heuristica
- Hexagonal Soul
- Hicks Kinison
- Hierra
- High Anxiety
- High Fighter
- High School Massacre
- High Tension
- Hikari Shiina
- Hiraes
- Hiranya
- Hiretsukan
- His Iro Is Gone
- Hokmoth
- Hold Me Tight
- Hollywood Burning
- Holocaustum
- Holy Moses
- Homicidal Retribution
- Hope?
- hopscotchbattlescars
- Horn Impaler
- Horror Farm
- Hostilites
- Houkousei no Chigai
- Howling
- Hulder
- Human Debris
- Human Greed
- Humanal
- Humanitas Error Est
- Humavoid
- Huranova
- Hyle
- Hyper Psychic
- Hypochrist
- Hysterics
- I Am All Wounds
- I Hate Sally
- I hate Sex
- I Saw the World Burn
- I Set Fire
- I Spoke
- Ianwill
- Ides
- Idiots Parade
- Iersinia
- Ieschure
- If Hope Dies
- Igioia
- IHaveNoMouth
- Ilkim
- Ill Informed
- Illicit
- Illmara
- Illnath
- Illvsionia
- Immemorial
- Impavidus
- Implement
- In Heat
- In Loving Memory
- In mute
- In The Burial
- In Wake, She Mended
- In-Dex
- Incassum
- Incordia
- Indisposed
- Infallible
- Infaustes
- Infect
- Infected Rain
- Infected Sphere
- Infernal Kingdom
- Infernal Pussy
- Infernal Tragedy
- Infinite Monolith of Slavery
- Infinited Hate
- Inhuman
- Inhuman Depravity
- Initiate
- Inner Maze
- Inraza
- Insane Kreation
- Insaniah
- Insonnia
- Into Darkness
- Intravenous Contamination
- Introtyl
- Invicta
- Invisible Control
- Invoke
- Iron Bazooka
- Iron Deficiency
- Ironoya
- Irony of fate
- Ischemic
- Ithaca
- iwrestledabearonce
- Izegrim
- Kabal
- Kaliyuga
- Kaoru Nagisa
- Kapitur
- Karbonsoul
- Karkaisu
- Karkaos
- Karne
- Karyn Crisis’ Gospel of the Witches
- Kassogtha
- Katja Macabre
- Kayzen
- Keep On Rotting
- khan
- Khaotic
- Khiis
- Khlyst
- Kilat
- Kilbourne
- Kill Division
- Kill Uncle
- Killin’ Baudelaire
- Kimusawea
- Kingdom
- Kinnefret
- Kittie
- Kiukinberg
- Kläpträp
- Klaw
- Kohti Tuhoa
- Kokeshi
- Konvent
- Korgull the Exterminator
- Kormak
- Kosame
- Kosm
- Kramp
- Kreyl
- Kriticos
- Kubine
- Kumory
- Kurmudgeon
- Kylesa
- La Cage de bruits
- La luna
- Lacination
- Lái
- Lakka
- Lamashtus
- Landmine Marathon
- Larvae
- Lasagabuster
- Lashdown
- Last Breath Of Jasmine
- Last Fear
- Last Wail
- Lay it on the line
- Leather Daddy
- Lebenden Toten
- Lebenssucht
- Leber
- Lecherous
- Leftöver Crack
- Lengua Salvaje
- Les Projets d’Athéna
- Let Them Die
- Let Them Fall
- Level-C
- Lice
- Life Against Death
- Life Jolt
- Lifecrusher
- Lifeless
- Lifeless Dark
- Light & Shade
- Light This City
- Lilith
- Lilith’s Demise
- Lingua Ignota
- Liquid graveyard
- Listless
- Liturgy
- Livin’ Gag
- Living Dead Girl
- Loneliness
- Lord Snow
- Lose It All
- Losna
- Lost Sequence
- Lost World
- Lower Than Zero
- Lucifugum
- Luctus Hydra
- Ludicra
- Lugzburz
- Luna Mortis
- Luna Muerta
- Luna Pythonissam
- Lunam Niveis
- Lunatera
- Lurking Terror
- Lustravi
- Lutharo
- luxul
- Luxuria de Lillith
- LYNN Project
- Lyric Noel
- Magdalene Rose
- Mahria
- Maid of Ace
- Making Monsters
- Malaka
- Maledictvs
- Malevolentia
- Malsain
- Man meat
- Man With Rope
- Manger Cadavre?
- Maniac
- Manixive
- Mankind?
- Mapius
- Marax
- Mares Of Thrace
- Marevo
- Maria Tarey
- Marlene Mendoza
- Marmozets
- Marry Me in Vegas
- Mars Mantra
- Marthe
- Martirio
- MartYriuM
- MArtYriuM
- Mary & the Highwalkers
- Masakabra
- Mask of Judas
- Masochist
- Masque
- Mass Madness
- Massive Scar Era
- Material Support
- Matianak
- Matriarch
- Matriarchs
- matriarkathum
- May The Silence Fail
- Mechanical God Creation
- Medecine Horse
- Melissa
- Memorandum
- Mental Assault
- Mercería
- Mercy Brown
- Mercy Killing
- Merdaratha
- MergingMoon
- Merkfolk
- Meryl Streaker
- Mess of Mankind
- Metaphoric Mind
- Miasthenia
- Midori
- Mildrage
- Mind Gobelin
- Mindful of Pripyat
- Mini Myth
- Misantropic
- Misantropy
- Miscast
- Mistress
- Misyrion
- Moira
- Møllehøj
- Molly Ringworm
- Mon autre groupe
- Mon Dragon
- Monachopsis Art
- Monde de merde
- Monnier
- Monochromatic Black
- Monster Phobia
- MooM
- Moonscar
- Moor
- Morality Rate
- Mordichrist
- Morgengrau
- Morphide
- MorrigaM
- Mortad
- Mortal Dismay
- Mortals
- Mortífera
- Mortillery
- Mounthing
- Moyra
- Muddle
- mukimukimanmansu
- Mulch
- Murder Afloat
- Murder the Elite
- Murderline
- Murge
- Murp
- Mütterlein
- My Dark Fate
- My Fatality
- My Last Eclipse
- My Precious
- My Ruin
- My Wooden Pillow
- Myrkur
- Mythic
- Nachtlieder
- Nail Bite
- Nakka
- Nameless Gods
- Nanashi n.n.
- Narc
- Narcolepsia
- Narcotics Fueled Lesbian Orgy
- Nausea
- Nebrus
- Nebulae
- Necessary Murder
- Necromesis
- Nefasta
- Nefastus
- Negative Sun
- Nekomeshi(222)
- Nekra
- Nemesis
- Nemezida
- Nemophila
- Neoplasmah
- Nephilim Grinder
- Nephyla
- Nervosa
- Nervous
- Neurotic Existence
- Never
- New Forms
- Nexhymn
- Nidorous
- Night Witch
- Nihilistikrypt
- Niis
- Nikander
- nine of swords
- No Chain
- No Future
- No Hope X Mankind
- No plan
- No Right
- No Sense
- No Statik
- No Terror in The Bang
- Noctule
- Noctural Pestilence
- Nocturnal Scum
- Noein
- Noira
- Noisebleed
- Nordic Throne
- NordWitch
- Nosebleed
- Nostrum
- Not Enough Space
- Notturno
- November Grief
- Novena
- Nü Sensae
- Nu,Pogodi!
- Nuclear Death
- Nuclëar Fröst
- null positiv
- Nüshu
- Nütt
- nuvolascura
- ¡Olé!
- Oath
- Oathbreaker
- Obscure Sphinx
- Obsidian Sun
- Obsolete Mankind
- Obstacle Upsurge
- Occult
- Occultist
- Ocean of Ghosts
- Ociosa
- Octo Crura
- Ocularis Infernum
- Oculi Melancholiarum
- Odinsun
- Of Romulus
- Offensive Mindset
- Ogarya
- Oil Spill
- Okkultist
- Ol’School Johnny
- Omelas
- Øn
- Once Human
- One Last Threat
- Open City
- Opera IX
- Oppressive Light
- Orphan Hate
- Oskrnavitelj
- Ossuary
- Ossuary Vault
- Otep
- Our Own Justice
- oust
- Out Of The Ruins
- Outer Graves
- Outreach
- Outright
- Outskirt
- Overmars
- OvO
- p.s.you’redead
- Pagan
- Pale
- Panzerchrist
- Paper doll decay
- Parasitic Extirpation
- Paroxysm
- Pasht
- PassCode
- path of resurgence
- Pathology
- Payasa
- Peachy
- Peer Pressure
- Perihelion Gnosis
- Përl
- Persephone’s Legacy
- Pest control
- Petrol Girls
- Pharmakon
- Phobetor
- Phrenetix
- Pictura Poesis
- Picture Me Broken
- Pig City
- Pincher
- Pinned
- Piri Reis
- Pisscharge
- Pitchblack
- Pithair
- Plague Walker
- Point Mort
- Poisonous Cunt
- Pokerface
- Poppy
- Poppy Seed Grinder
- Power Alone
- Praeludium
- Praise The Sun
- Pray Manticore
- Predatory Void
- Pressureside
- Princess
- Principius
- Profanal
- Promisqes
- Provoke
- Psoas
- Psora
- Psychalgia
- Psycho Pass Crown
- Psychobolia
- Psychotomy
- Public Drama
- Pucker Up
- Punitive Damage
- Pupil Slicer
- Pure hiss
- Purgatory
- Purulence
- Pussy Stench
- Putrefied Beauty
- Pyosisified
- Pyra
- Pyrrah
- R.U.B.
- Rabbit Leader
- Radegast
- Radigals
- radium grrrls
- Ragana
- Rage of Light
- Rainmaking
- Ramtha
- Rape Revenge
- Rastilho
- Ratpiss
- Rats in The Wall
- Rattenkönig
- Rau.Di
- Rauchen
- Ravachol
- Ravage
- Ravage Club
- Raven Black
- Raven X
- Razend
- Reaching Hand
- Reaching Nothingness
- Reaching Out
- Recreant
- Red Aunts
- Red Handed Denial
- Red Queen
- Redbait
- Regurgimentação Necrovaginal Sangrenta
- Reikä
- Reivers
- Relics
- René Descartes
- Resilience
- Resiste De Pie HC
- resurrectionists
- Retaliação Infernal
- Retromist
- Revolt
- Rhynn
- Riña
- Ringer
- Rinuwat
- Riot Porn
- Ritual Moon
- Ritum Tenebriis
- Rolo Tomassi
- Roman Candle
- Romantic Gorilla
- Rot//Woven
- Rotten Blossom
- Rotting Luck
- Ruby Slipper
- Ruidosa Inmundicia
- Ruinas
- Runhild Gammelsæter
- Rwake
- S.O.H.
- S.O.Y.G. (Spit On Your Grave)
- S.Z.U.M.
- Sacralis
- Sacred Goat
- Sacrimonia
- Sacrimoon
- Sacrosanta Decadencia Occidental
- Sadhaka
- Saint Rapriest
- Saiseiga
- Sakramentum
- Sale Only
- Salome
- Sanguine Glacialis
- Sanity Slip
- Saprophyte
- Sarcoidosis
- Sarcoma
- Sardonyx
- Sarparast
- Satanic Punish
- Satriarch
- SaturninE
- Savage Necromancy
- Savagez
- Save
- Saydie
- Scaphis
- Scaphism
- Scared Of The Dark
- Scatha
- Sceptic
- Scorpion
- Scowl
- Screaming Skull
- Scrotum grinder
- Sea Of Consciousness
- Second Shooter
- Seducent Evil
- Seeking Tragedy
- Seethr
- SeeYouSpaceCowboy
- Self Deconstruction
- Self Rule
- Sentience
- Serenity in Murder
- Sero\Tonin
- Sertraline
- Servus
- Seul
- Seven Spires
- Severed Heaven
- Sewerslutz
- Sewn
- Sex Germs
- Shame Hole
- Shaolin
- Shards
- Sharptooth
- Shelter Fight
- ShEver
- Shin
- Shiningstar
- Shirannon
- Shitstormtrooper
- Show of Bedlam
- Showhorses
- Shrike
- Sial
- Sick Fix
- Sick Shit
- Sicksense
- Sidus Atrum
- Sigh
- Signs of Execution
- Siiickbrain
- Sinaya
- Sinister
- Sire
- Sirkka
- Sissyfit
- Sister Murder
- Sisters of suffocation
- Sixteen Cell
- Skarp
- Skelptarsis
- Skuldom
- Slamwich
- Slant
- Slashy Sue
- Slať
- Slave To Sirens
- Sleepers’ Guilt
- Sleepless Motion
- Slice
- Slow Pulse
- Smirking Revenge
- Smycka
- Snitfit
- Snowshifter
- Snuffed
- So Awful
- Soakie
- Sockweb
- Sœur Fantôme
- Solemn
- Solemn Judgement
- Solvere
- Somnium Captare
- Sooks
- Sophie’s Threat
- Sortilegia
- Soul Massacre
- Soul of Slamming
- Soulglass
- sowithout
- Spaced
- Spark Is A Diamond
- Special Interest
- Spectre
- Speech Odd
- Spider Inside Her
- Spineless
- Spirit of Rebellion
- Spiritbox
- Spiritual Decay
- Spiritus Diaboli
- Spiruline
- Spit Acid
- Spit On Your Grave (S.O.Y.G.)
- Spitting Teeth
- Splitmind
- Spoil Engine
- Spore
- Squashed Moth
- Srefa
- Stab
- Stabbing
- Stabbitha and the Knifey Wifeys
- StartingFire
- Stasis
- Stay Down
- Stench of Profit
- Stentorian Voice
- Stepforward
- Stercore
- Stigma
- Stigmatize
- Still Breathing
- Stolen Babies
- Stoner Conspiracy
- Stormcrow
- Strafplanet
- Straight line Stitch
- Stress Positions
- Striver
- Stuck Pigs
- Stygia
- Suborned
- Subsistence
- Succumb
- Suffering Mind
- Suffix
- sugar ko:ma
- Sukkhu
- Suldusk
- Sumo Cyco
- Sun Up Sun Down
- Sundowner
- Sunsinger
- Super Unison
- Supruga
- Suspended
- Svalbard
- Svffer
- Svin
- Swallows Nest
- Swansong
- Swarmageddon
- Swoon
- SxFxCx
- Sylvaine
- Sympuls-E
- Synlakross
- Synodic
- Syrebris
- Tamaki
- Tant qu’il y aura des étoiles
- Tantal
- Tard
- Tartatus
- Tattered Pages
- Taurus
- Tegmentum
- Tek.Analogy
- Tekad
- Temple of the Absurd
- Tempter
- Terminal Sleep
- Terminator X
- TerroRaze
- Teryky
- Tessitura
- Testosteruins
- Thaclthi
- The 244 GL
- The Agonist
- The Archord
- The Armed
- The Beast Remade
- The Charm and The Fury
- The civil war in France
- The Comes
- The Corona Lantern
- The Damnnation
- The Dead Cold
- The Distillers
- The End of Melancholy
- The Fifth Alliance
- The Fisticuffs Bluff
- The Goddamn Deluge
- The Green Lung Grinders
- The Haresté
- The Hawkwerds
- The Heads are Zeros
- The Hope and the Failure
- The Lapis Sanctuary
- The Last Martyr
- The Lazarus Plot
- The Little Rock Nine
- The Lousy
- The Machinist
- The New Harmony
- The No-Mads
- The Nothing
- The Order of Chaos
- The Outs
- The Passion of Our Souls
- The Prim
- The Stutter
- The Tale Untold
- The Tex Avery Syndrome
- The Unsightly Deep
- The Wage of Sin
- The Wretched
- The Xebellian Triangle
- The.Bänd
- thecheeseburgerpicnic
- Therapy
- THID (The Homeless Is Dead)
- Thin The Herd
- Thirdface
- Thirst
- ThisMeansYou
- Thorr’s Hammer
- thotcrime
- Thousand Knives
- Thracia
- Threeonethree
- Threshold
- Throne of Blood
- Throne ov Shiva
- Through The Oculus
- Thulsa Doom
- Til Skies Fall
- Timōrātus
- Tinsel Teeth
- Tituba
- Tjuvkoppla
- To Leave a Trace
- Tormentress
- Torrid Flesh
- Torture Garden
- Torture Squad
- Total Vandal
- Totem
- Trachoma
- Traitor
- Transient
- Trauma Bomb
- Trholz
- Tripper
- Triton Enigma
- Tunes Of Despair
- Turian
- Turpitude
- Twelve Inch Clitoris
- Tylo
- Tymah
- Typeface
- Tyrant’s Kall
- Tрызна
- v00000 00000000
- Vaaltovashe
- Vaee Solis
- Vale
- Vales
- Valfreya
- Valhalla
- Valpurga
- Varix
- Vastum
- Vaultwraith
- Vehemal
- Velja
- Velkhanos
- Velociter
- Velocity
- Venkman
- Venom Prison
- Vephar
- Verbofobia
- Vermilia
- Verms
- Versya
- Vesperith
- Vexed
- Vicious Blade
- Victory over the Sun
- Vidro
- Vigil
- Viimeinen Virhe
- Vile Hex
- Vilify
- Vintersea
- Violencia
- Violent Restitution
- Virgin Rocks
- Virhe
- Virocracy
- Visceral Leishmaniasis
- Vita Montgomery
- Vittna
- Vocífera
- Vociferation
- Volatile Ways
- Volp
- Völva
- Vomitatrix
- Vorlust
- Vulvatorious
- Vvltvre
- Walls of Jericho
- War-saw
- Warbell
- Warpstorm
- Watch Me Burn
- Watchcries
- Watts
- Wazzara
- we are PIGS
- Wékeras
- When Reasons Collapse
- Where Eagles Dare
- White Collar
- White Empress
- Why She Kills
- Wicked Cat
- Wildspeakers
- Will of Hatred
- Winds of Genocide
- Winds of Plague
- Wireless
- Wisigoth
- Witch Hunt
- Witches
- Witching
- With Sails Ahead
- Withered Land
- Within Embers
- Within Nostalgia
- Without Mercy
- Won’t Belong
- Wooden Stake
- Woodworm Tusk
- World of Pleasure
- Worms in Women and Cattle
- Wrecked culture
- Wykked Wytch